
[Coolant Heads Prevail]

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[Find Frost Oil and bring it to Lotwil Veriatus in Badlands.]
Olio del Freddo (1)


[Let me tell you something about Frost Oil: nothing can keep an engine or gears from overheating quite like it.

Its cooling properties are extraordinary, and its longevity as a lubricant without equal. That's not all: it also aids in retaining enchantments on magical items.

I need a vial of it to increase the magical capacity of my shackles and make them powerful enough to stop our summoned friend from killing us all.

Bro'kin, a goblin friend of mine, can teach you to make it. He's in Alterac.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(713))

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