
The Forgotten Heirloom

Questa missione è stata segnata come obsoleta da Blizzard e non può essere ottenuta o completata.
Farmer Furlbrow wants you to retrieve his pocket watch from the wardrobe in his farmhouse at the pumpkin farm to the West.
Orologio da Tasca dei Ciglioarcuato (1)


It was horrible! Verna woke me when she heard a ruckus in the fields. The fields were full of hooligans. We left in a rush and I forgot to pack my pocket watch. Verna's pa gave me that watch on our wedding day and I feel just sick knowing those thieves have it. I left the pocket watch in the wardrobe at the farmhouse. Look for the field of pumpkins to the West -- you can't miss it. If you bring it back to me, I'd sure be grateful!


Pane Appena Sfornato Latte Ghiacciato


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Puoi controllare se l'hai già completato digitando:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64))

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