
[Taming the Beast]

Questa missione è stata segnata come obsoleta da Blizzard e non può essere ottenuta o completata.
[Use the Taming Rod to tame a Large Crag Boar. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Grif Wildheart in Kharanos.]
Bastone per Addomesticare (Fornito) (1)


[Tame a Large Crag Boar] (1)


[Hi there, <lad/lass>! So, you'd be wanting to know how you can gain a pet of your own?

Well, let's get started. There's nothing more important than yer equipment when it comes to hunting, but we can chat about my new Shrapnel Blaster some other time. Fer now, let's focus on something I'm sure you're quite interested in: a pet!

The best way to learn is for you to try out several creatures as companions and see what ya like. So, find a large crag boar, then use the taming rod to tame it.]




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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(6064))

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