
The Gordok Ogre Suit

Questa missione è stata segnata come obsoleta da Blizzard e non può essere ottenuta o completata.
Bring 4 Bolts of Runecloth, 8 Rugged Leather, 2 Rune Threads, and Ogre Tannin to Knot Thimblejack. He is currently chained inside the Gordok wing of Dire Maul.
Rotolo di Telarunica (4)
Cuoio Duro (8)
Filo Runico (2)
Colorante Ogre (1)


If you're going to fight the king of this dump - and I think that's what you're bound to do - then you're going to need to get by Captain Kromcrush. Now, you can get by him by killing him, sure. You might actually want to leave him alive.

How, you ask? Since I've been here, I think I know how to make an ogre suit that will last just long enough to fool these bozos. The only problem is stability - ten minutes tops. Bring me what I need, and I'll make you one. I'm not going anywhere...


Completo da Ogre Gordok


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(5518))

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