
The Last Barov

Questa missione è stata segnata come obsoleta da Blizzard e non può essere ottenuta o completata.
Travel to the Bulwark - Horde territory - and assassinate Alexi Barov. Take his head and return to Weldon Barov.

Be warned, Alexi will probably be well protected by Horde filth.
Testa di Alexi Barov (1)


Giocatori suggeriti: 3 (1)


With the deeds recovered, there is but one thing left to do. Alexi must be killed. With him dead, I need not ever worry about an unscrupulous gang of mercenaries seeking my head.

It's a simple task. Alexi hides under the protection of the Horde - at the Bulwark.

No, I do not expect you to just walk up and kill him, I want his head! How you get it... well, that part is up to you. That type of behavior is below one of my noble upbringing.


Campanella dei Servitori dei Barov


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(5344))

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