
[The Restless Souls]

Questa missione è stata segnata come obsoleta da Blizzard e non può essere ottenuta o completata.
[Use Egan's Blaster on the ghostly and spectral citizens of Stratholme. When the restless souls break free from their ghostly shells, use the blaster again - freedom will be theirs!

Free 15 Restless Souls and return to Egan.]
[Souls Freed] (15)
Articolo Fornito:
Fucile di Egan (1)


[I draw my power - my will to continue living and breathing - from the unmitigated hatred I have for the Scourge and all that they have done. I am, however, no zealot. There are those, like the Scarlet Crusade, who would sooner destroy the innocent undead than lend them even an ounce of compassion.

Which brings me to this: My blaster. It will unchain the tortured souls from Stratholme.

Use it on the ghosts that haunt the ransacked streets. Free their souls.]


Testamento di Speranza


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