
The Fury Runs Deep

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Motley Garmason wants Kam Deepfury's head brought to him at Dun Modr.
Testa di Furiafonda (1)


You have proven your loyalty to King Magni, <class>. And your hatred for the Dark Iron scum is as great as my own.

There is a task I wish to complete myself but I am bound by honor to stay with Longbraid. But Roggo has gathered intelligence that proves Kam Deepfury was a conspirator in the attack on the Thandol Span. It was by Deepfury's planning that Longbraid lost his kin.

Deepfury is being held for political reasons in the Stormwind Stockade. I want him dead, <name>. For Longbraid! Bring me his head!


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(378))

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