
[Wandering Shay]

Questa missione è stata segnata come obsoleta da Blizzard e non può essere ottenuta o completata.
[Pick up Shay's Bell from the chest.

Escort Shay Leafrunner to Rockbiter's camp.]
Campana di Shay (1)


[Take Shay Leafrunner to Rockbiter's camp] (1)


[Do you think you could help me find my way back to my friend, Rockbiter? He was supposed to be watching me... But I do have a tendency to wander off now and then. There are just so many things to see, and I get so distracted.

There is one thing that will always work to get my attention, though.

Inside this chest, you'll find a bell that is very precious to me. I just love the sound of it. You have my word, if I wander off, all you have to do is ring it and I'll come running back.]


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Paramani di Granito Cintura Verde Borchiata


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(2845))

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