
[A Good Head On Your Shoulders]

Questa missione è stata segnata come obsoleta da Blizzard e non può essere ottenuta o completata.
[Bring two Mithril Coifs and one Ornate Mithril Shoulder to Trenton Lighthammer.]
Camaglio di Mithril (2)
Spallacci di Mithril Decorati (1)


[It seems as if master had this planned from the start. I was not taught to create the items which you learned to create and you were not taught the items which I learned to create.

The master is wise, <name>. We shall teach each other!

Show me how to make a mithril coif and ornate mithril shoulders and I shall show you how to create an ornate mithril helm.]


Al completamento di questa missione otterrai:
Puoi controllare se l'hai già completato digitando:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(2771))

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