
[Report Back to Fizzlebub]

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[Bring the Fool's Stout report to Crank Fizzlebub at Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.]
Rapporto sulla Birra Scura del Folle (Fornito) (1)


[That Fool's Stout worked great! I placed a bet on the next race, and... let's hope the crew you got drunk did a number on their car!

There's only one more task for you -- take this note back to Crank Fizzlebub in Booty Bay. He'll want to know of the successful test.

And hopefully we can get more of that Fool's Stout for future races!]


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Puoi controllare se l'hai già completato digitando:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(1122))

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