
[Passage to Booty Bay]

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[Take a boat to Booty Bay and speak with Caravaneer Ruzzgot.]


[Ah yes, finally found it. Should have told me she passed through here that long ago. Let's see.

Velinde. Booked passage to Booty Bay on the Black Osprey. I don't have anything here saying otherwise, so I'd assume it arrived in port safely.

Not much more help I can be to you, but she asked about overland travel over on that side of the world, and I mentioned Ruzzgot, a caravan driver based out of Booty Bay. Might be that this Velinde traveled with him.

Move along, now. I haven't all day for you.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(1040))

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