
[The Only Song I Know...]

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[Craftsman Wilhelm at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants you to bring him 2 Frozen Runes, 2 Essence of Water, 2 Blue Sapphires and 30 gold pieces.]
Runa Congelata (2)
Essenza d'Acqua (2)
Zaffiro Blu (2)


Soldi Necessario:30 (1)


[You fancy yourself a hero of the Dawn, eh? I've seen our greatest soldiers get rolled over by Kel'Thuzad's plebes! How well could someone so clueless possibly fare in Naxxramas?

<Wilhelm sighs.>

Bah, what choice do I got? You're the best I can do; I may as well help you.

Omarion left me with one recipe. It's the only song I know... I can make a few variations of these pants; you just gotta supply the materials.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Gambiere Glaciali Gambiere della Rovina dei Ghiacci
Gambiere di Scaglie Ghiacciate Gambiere Polari


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(9232))

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