
[An Orphan Looking For a Home]

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[Speak to Quentin in Thousand Needles.]
Uovo di Drago Fatato Non Covato (Fornito) (1)


[Oh, hello, <name>. I'm so glad to see you again. How was your trip to Darnassus?

Well, you'll be happy to know that we've made quite a bit of progress while you've been gone. We even saved a nest full of eggs. Unfortunately, the mother died before we got to her.

Say, would you want one for a pet? They look to hatch soon, so they'll need a good <father/mother>. What do you say?

If you're really interested, take one of the eggs to Quentin at the race tracks in Shimmering Flats. He'll tell you more.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(3841))

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